A Break from the Alphabet
Important news -
From now on the ABC Challenge will be fortnightly.
This week we are taking a break from the alphabet as we are holding a design team call. (copied from challenge's pages *** kopioitu haasteen sivuilta)
These cards are DT application for ABC Challenge. *** Näillä korteilla haen DTksi ABC Challengeen, yrittänyttähän ei laiteta ;)
From now on the ABC Challenge will be fortnightly.
This week we are taking a break from the alphabet as we are holding a design team call. (copied from challenge's pages *** kopioitu haasteen sivuilta)
These cards are DT application for ABC Challenge. *** Näillä korteilla haen DTksi ABC Challengeen, yrittänyttähän ei laiteta ;)

The winners will be announced in 2 weeks time, when the alphabet will continue with E. (copied from challenge's pages *** kopioitu haasteen sivuilta)
Thanks for entering our DT call - good luck!
Helen x